About webshop

Full name: L2 tech, razvoj, svetovanje, trgovina in storitve d.o.o.

Abbreviated: L2 tech d.o.o.

Address: Nova Gora 18, 8270 Krško, Slovenia

Reg. number: 9111654000

Tax number: SI33328749

IBAN: SI56 6000 0000 1155 729, HLONSI22

Contact: info@pizzaspin.com

 The company was registered in the Commercial Register of Slovenia on April 14nd 2022.

general terms and conditions

General terms and conditions of business operations and use of the website pizzaspin.com have been drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act and the applicable legislation for the sale over the Internet and such a way of doing business. The Terms deal with the operation of pizzaspin.com and business relationship of L2 tech d.o.o. with buyers of products (hereinafter referred to as “Customers”).

general information

pizzaspin.com is website selling pizza oven products.

offer and origins

Due to the nature of business the offer on the website may be changed daily. L2 tech d.o.o. is responsible for the quality of products, as well as for any complaints that could arise due to the use of products. L2 tech d.o.o.  is solely responsible for carrying out services or selling goods, and for all related complaints. Photographs, pictures or videos posted under offers are owned by L2 tech d.o.o. and do not provide the precise characteristics of a product or service, and can show symbolical or actual services, offers, companies or goods.

purchase and invoice

L2 tech d.o.o. is a company that provides goods or services over the Internet. A buyer pays the set amount to the company L2 tech d.o.o., and together with the goods or service he also receives a bill.

payment methods and delivery

Products can be paid through PayPal or direct bank transfer (SEPA). Delivery of products ordered shall be carried out in the shortest possible time and is subject to availability of products (average time to shipping is 2-3 weeks). The products will be delivered via selected shipping method (depending on the shipping country).

product prices

The prices of all products are pre-defined and do not include VAT (VAT reverse charge under Article 44 of VAT Directive 2006/112/ES). Prices are valid until the moment of delivery of a product. We reserve the right to change the prices. Distance contract between the seller and a customer is concluded at the moment when the seller confirms the order (the customer receives an e-mail about the status – Order confirmed). From this moment on, all prices and other terms and conditions are set out and apply for both the seller and customer. By paying via PayPal, customer accepts the General terms and conditions.

the process of purchase

The purchase is carried out via the PayPal express checkout or direct bank transfer (SEPA). You can also refer to the PayPal FAQ for more information.

personal data protection

By completing the purchase, a customer allows the company L2 tech d.o.o. to collect, process and store personal data submitted to PayPal in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection. L2 tech d.o.o. undertakes to carefully and in accordance with the law safeguard any user data. Data are collected on the basis of personal consent of the individual and for an indefinite period or for the time provided by the Law on Personal Data Protection. Personal data is collected for the purpose of smooth execution of orders or offer, as well as for communication with customers, statistical analysis in order to improve website performance and services. In this context, the following data are gathered: IP address, name, address of permanent or temporary residence, date of birth, gender, telephone number, email address, time and date of order. The company L2 tech d.o.o.  respects the privacy of users of the website pizzaspin.com and undertakes to carefully protect the personal data which will not be given to third parties without consent and will not be used otherwise than exclusively for the above purposes, except in cases where such information would be requested by a competent national authority with a legal basis and in the event that there is suspicion of fraud in dealings of the website user. L2 tech d.o.o.  shall only transmit data to the contract data processor.

communcation with users

Communication with customers of pizzaspin.com is carried out via email.

complaints and disputes

L2 tech d.o.o.  will try to resolve any ambiguity, dispute or complaint in the shortest time possible, while respecting the laws (The Consumer Protection Act) and shall do its best to reach an agreement. Users can contact us by email address info@pizzaspin.com. The entire process of proceedings is confidential. If an agreement will not be possible, all disputes shall fall under the jurisdiction of the competent court in Krško. Complaints regarding the quality or the implementation of a certain offer shall be settled between the buyer and L2 tech d.o.o.

limitation of liability

Despite efforts to maximize the accuracy and relevance of product descriptions it may happen that the data on products might change and are still published unaltered on the website. In the case of orders of such goods or services the company informs the customer about the changes and cancels the purchase or enables him/her to cancel the contract or agree on another option. We reserve the right to typographical errors and errors resulting from accidental malfunctions of information and technical system of the website. The company is not responsible for the accuracy of data entered by the customer.

If you receive a product that is beyond the practical usage, we will replace it with newer revision or refund you the payed amount (check the rights of buyer for refund details). This is only valid for 12 months after you receive the goods After that period, we are not responsible for any issue that arise.

the rights of the buyer

It shall be considered that purchases are made through Distance contracts. Language of the contract shall be “ENGLISH”. A customer may request (in writing, by email, by phone or in person) a distance contract and can receive it in electronic form via e-mail. The buyer is entitled to communicate his/her cancellation of the order within the period of three (3) days from presenting the order to the company and without having to state a reason for his/her decision. If the buyer already paid for the goods, the company shall refund the purchase price paid within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the notice of cancellation. The refund amount will not include costs of the delivery service. If the buyer has already received the goods he/she has the right to communicate to the company in writing eight (8) days after the receipt that he/she wants to return the goods. Within fifteen (15) days from the written communication, the buyer shall return the goods, in the original packaging and unopened, while L2 tech d.o.o. shall refund the purchase price paid within fifteen (15) days after the receipt of returned/canceled goods. The refund amount will not include costs of the delivery service. The refund shall not include the PayPal transaction fee due to new PayPal policy (PayPal keeps the full transaction fee in case of refunds). We shall also replace the goods in the event that a wrong product was dispatched due to our mistake. The purchase price will be refunded upon receipt of returned goods. The customer shall pay all the shipping costs for returning the goods. If L2 tech d.o.o. shall have reason to suspect that a customer deliberately carried out the purchase only to cancel it afterwards, with the intention to deceive or cause harm in any way to L2 tech d.o.o., the customer shall not be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.

damages in delivery

At the time of accepting a delivery the customer needs to review its content. In the event of damage to the shipment the buyer should return the entire shipment (package, protective packaging, products) to the address of L2 tech d.o.o. which in turn will provide a replacement shipment.